Our Team

Judit Polgár
Dr. Gusztáv Font
Operative Director
Tünde Dr. Szabóné Dancsik
Coordinator of the Judit Polgar Method, Professional Leader, Developer of Teaching-Learning Material, Teacher Trainer

Attila Udvarhelyi
President of the JPCF Board

Csilla Őryné Gombás
Creator and Developer of the Judit Polgar Method, Professional Expert
Andrea Farkas
Chessplayground Program Project Manager

Mónika Vassné Vantara
Teacher Trainer, Developer of Teaching-Learning Material
Enikő Fenyő
Teacher Trainer, Developer of Teaching-Learning Material
Barbara Gubik
Teacher Trainer
Erika Huszti
Teacher Trainer
Anikó Judák-Vas
Teacher Trainer
Angéla Juhászné Fekete
Teacher Trainer

Judit Marosi
Teacher Trainer
Csilla Judit Sándor
Teacher Trainer
Ildikó Sörfőzőné Haskó
Teacher Trainer

Katalin Kovács
Office Manager
Gyöngyi Ujlaki
Webshop Manager, Teacher Training Course Organizer
György Gyéresi
Operations Associate, Webshop Assistant

Krisztina Jakó
Financial Associate
Krisztián Szélesy
IT Expert
Árpád Lipcsei
Press Officer