
Chess is not just a game, it’s a way of thinking that can be learned from an early age and then successfully applied in many areas of life. It is a universal brain training tool that teaches logical thinking, develops problem-solving skills and gives wings to creativity.

Chess Playground Publications

Adventures on the Chessboard
Chess Moves
Check and Mate

Judit Polgár’s book series for preschoolers (Adventures on the Chessboard, Chess Moves, Check and Mate) do all this with stories, rhymes and playful exercises while introducing the rules of chess. As the children practice the chess moves, they will have lots of adventures and fun. The books include a sticker collection related to the exercises, which makes learning more fun and engaging. The preschool application of the method is supported by online and offline supplementary teaching materials, skill-building tools, game cards, and lesson plans for teachers.

Chess Palace Publications

Supporting practical use of the Chess Palace Complex Skills Development Program, the curriculum for Year 1 from the now eight-volume series was honored with the Best European Learning Materials Awards (BELMA) special award for innovation in 2015. According to the professional jury, “….the internal coherence of the material is excellent: lessons and teaching materials build on each other, lessons plans are carefully designed to activate previously acquired knowledge, the teacher’s handbook, the student textbook and the exercise book complement each other very well. The material is cross-curricular: it uses a lot of references and develops important skills for other subjects like math, writing etc.

The 64-page Chess Doodle Booklet provides an excellent opportunity to deepen chess knowledge for both pupils using the Judit Polgár Method at school and children who love and understand chess and learn by other methods, as well as for their teachers and parents. Regarding usability, its content and structure are designed to be as varied and enjoyable for 6-year-olds as for older children.